
Ella Maillart [1903-1997]
Annemarie Schwarzenbach [1908-1942]

Ella Maillart born in Switzerland, was an intrepid woman, a sailor and an International skier. Her passion was travel. From the 1930s onwards, she spent years exploring Asia, Soviet Turkestan, Manchuria, China. With her partner, the gifted Swiss poet Annemarie Schwarzenbach she went to Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and 1940 they drove from Geneva to Kabul. Their photographs, Maillart’s films and writings about their journeys, are fascinating records of life in those remote places. Maillart spent the war-years in South India with her cat Ti Puss while Schwarzenback carried on travelling as an accredited journalist to the Free Press. She died in a bicycle accident which cut a very short but prolific career short.